General information Печать
Автор: Administrator   
08.12.2014 09:27


Dear Colleagues,

The International Foundation Scientific Partnership, the company InterBioScreen, with the participation and scientific and methodological support of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences continue the series of international conferences on the Chemistry and biological activity of synthetic and natural heterocyclic compounds.

V International Conference on

"The Chemistry of Heterocyclic Compounds. Modern Aspects"
dedicated to the 100th anniversary of Professor A.N. Kost
and the 100th anniversary of Academician N.M. Emanuel

will be held from August 31 to September 3, 2015 in St. Petersburg.


The venue of the Conference is the Palace of the Beloselsky-Belozersky princes, in the center of St. Petersburg (Nevsky Prospect 41).

The "majestic palazzo, perfection of its kind" the Beloselsky-Belozersky Palace at one time belonged to the son of Emperor Alexander II – Grand Duke Sergei Alexandrovich.

The conference program includes:

  • Plenary lectures (20–25 min) to be presented by leading scientists from different countries;
  • Oral lectures (10–15 min);
  • Poster session.

Working language is English

A three-volume edition "The Chemistry of Heterocyclic Compounds. Modern Aspects" has been prepared and published by the opening of the conference. In addition, the materials of lectures presented at the Conference will be published in the Conference Proceedings. Materials submitted for publication will be reviewed on the basis of scientific merit, and preference will be given to works that contain the most outstanding achievements in heterocyclic chemistry (synthesis, transformations and biological activity). The Collection of abstracts will contain abstracts of the plenary lectures (2–3 pp.), oral presentations (1–2 pp.) and posters (1 p.).

The Organizing committee requests the authors whose materials are included in the three-volume Jubilee monograph to submit the same materials for the Proceedings of the conference in a summarized form (1–2 pages maximum).

The Conference Proceedings will be published in English/Russian.


Please find below the instructions to be followed in the preparation of manuscripts (the texts of plenary lectures, oral and poster communications) to be submitted for publication as Conference Proceedings.


For non-attending contributors the cost of publication in the Proceedings is €20/1 page.

Registration fee: €550

The registration fee includes:

1. Participation in scientific sessions

2. Conference materials, participant's portfolio (Conference Proceedings, the Conference program)

3. Meals in a restaurant/café (lunch)

4. Coffee breaks during the 4 days of the Conference

5. Welcoming party on the opening day of the Conference

6. Reception in the "N-Prospect" art gallery (cocktail, tour of the exhibition of paintings)

7. Cultural program (visits to the Hermitage, The Russian Museum, boat trips on the rivers and canals of St. Petersburg and other activities)

We will be happy to be of any assistance in all matters concerning the submission of applications and materials for the Conference and any queries can be sent to the Secretary of the Organizing Committee

Dr. Lubov Semenova at Этот e-mail адрес защищен от спам-ботов, для его просмотра у Вас должен быть включен Javascript

Tel: +7 (49652)40-091; Fax: +7 (49652)49-092.

It is a responsibility of the participant to obtain his/her visa on the basis of an invitation from the Organizing committee.

It is understood that participants are to pay their own expenses related to the travel to the Conference and hotel accommodation in St. Petersburg.

We are ready to provide any assistance in all matters concerning the payment of the registration fee, hotel reservations for the Conference or other matters, and any queries can be sent to:

Mr. Igor Foteev

Director of the Scientific Partnership Foundation

at Этот e-mail адрес защищен от спам-ботов, для его просмотра у Вас должен быть включен Javascript

Tel: 7 (49652) 49-489.


Sincerely yours,

Chairman of Organizing committee,
CSO&CEO InterBioScreen,
Full member of RANS, Prof. Dr.

Victor G. Kartsev

Executive secretary

Lubov F. Semenova

Executive Director
Scientific Partnership Foundation

Igor A. Foteev

Обновлено 08.12.2014 16:32